Eastern Slopes Spaniel Association
Dedicated to Field Bred Spaniels
September 22
FTCH AFTCH AFC Bushbuster's Yankee Brat (Brat)
1st Place - ESSA Open All-Age Stake
Owner/Handler: Boyd McIntyre
FTCH AFTCH Absolute's Bladerunner Willow (Willow)
2nd Place - ESSA Open All-Age Stake
Owner/Handler: Tim Bashforth
Breeder: Absolute Gun Dogs
AFTCH Absolute's Bladerunner Sage (Sage)
4th Place & Gun's Award - ESSA Open All-Age Stake
Owner/Handler: Tim Bashforth
Breeder: Absolute Gun Dogs
September 21
FTCH AFTCH Awe Gust Black Eyed Bandit (Bandit)
1st Place - ESSA Amateur All-Age Stake
Owner/Handler: Sheila Bonin
Breeder: Dave & Cheryl Scott
Abitt Ambitious (Abby)
2nd Place & Gun's Award - ESSA Amateur All-Age Stake
Owner/Handler: Richard Murphy
Breeder: Casey Butz
September 8
FTCH AFTCH Absolute's Bladerunner Willow (Willow)
4th Place - ESSC Open All-Age Stake
Owner/Handler: Tim Bashforth
Breeder: Absolute Gun Dogs
June 15 & 16
ESSA hosted two days of hunt tests this weekend near Langdon, AB and a great time was had by all. Thanks to the judges - Rob Skerrett, Ian Forrester and Boyd McIntyre. Thanks to the guns - Wayne Brennen (Gun Captain) and his gun team. Thanks to Steve Harper and Tim Bashforth for planting. Also, thanks to Boyd McIntyre acting as event secretary. Very special thanks to Steve Harper for chairing the event.
Hunt tests are a great way to spend a day with your dog in a non-competitive environment and is a way that ESSA can offer an activity for those who do not field trial.
Qualifying scores on Saturday, June 15:
Abitt Ambitious ("Abby")
Richard Murphy
Abitt Like Mustang Sally ("Sally")
Rob Bennington
Abitt Ambitious ("Abby")
Richard Murphy
FTCH AFTCH Awe Gust Black Eyed Bandit ("Bandit")
Sheila Bonin
Qualifying scores on Sunday, June 16:
Shardon's Silver Tithe ("Gracie")
Sharleen Peitsch-Tyerman
Abitt of a Chocolate Kiss ("Hershey")
John Dzerdz
Abitt Miss Boop ("Betty")
John Dzerdz
Abitt Like Mustang Sally ("Sally")
Rob Bennington
Abitt Ambitious ("Abby")
Richard Murphy
Fresh Start Tyner ("Tyner")
Rodney Zornes
Abitt Like Mustang Sally ("Sally")
Rob Bennington
Bushbuster's Beam Me Up ("Scotty")
Steve Harper
FTCH AFTCH Awe Gust Black Eyed Bandit ("Bandit")
Sheila Bonin
AFTCH Absolute’s Blade Runner Sage WS JH ("Sage")
Tim Bashforth
FTCH AFTCH Awe Gust Black Eyed Bandit ("Bandit")
Sheila Bonin
Thanks to everyone who came out.
June 9
FTCH AFTCH Awe Gust Black Eyed Bandit (Bandit)
2nd Place - ESSA Amateur All-Age Stake
Owner/Handler: Sheila Bonin
Breeder: Dave & Cheryl Scott
FTCH AFTCH Absolute's Bladerunner Willow (Willow)
3rd Place - ESSA Amateur All-Age Stake
Owner/Handler: Tim Bashforth
Breeder: Absolute Gun Dogs
FTCH AFTCH Absolute's Bladerunner Willow (Willow)
3rd Place - ESSA Amateur All-Age Stake
Owner/Handler: Tim Bashforth
Breeder: Absolute Gun Dogs
FTCH AFTCH Absolute's Bladerunner Willow (Willow)
3rd Place - ESSA Amateur All-Age Stake
Owner/Handler: Tim Bashforth
Breeder: Absolute Gun Dogs
May 26
Abitt Ambitious (Abby)
3rd Place - Central Ontario Spaniel Club Open Stake
Owner/Handler: Richard Murphy
Breeder: Casey Butz
May 25
Abitt Ambitious (Abby)
Gun's Award - Central Ontario Spaniel Club Open Stake
Owner/Handler: Richard Murphy
Breeder: Casey Butz
May 19
FTCH AFTCH Absolute's Bladerunner Willow (Willow)
2nd Place - CESSC Open All-Age Stake
Owner/Handler: Tim Bashforth
Breeder: Absolute Gun Dogs
May 18
Abitt Ambitious (Abby)
4th Place - CESSC Amateur Stake
Owner/Handler: Richard Murphy
Breeder: Casey Butz
May 11 & 12
ESSA hosted two days of hunt tests this weekend near Kamloops, BC and a great time was had by all. The land and water tests were held on private land. Thanks to the judges - Boyd McIntyre, Nancy Holland and Tim Bashforth. Thanks to the guns - Wayne Brennen (Gun Captain) and his gun team. Thanks to Rick Murphy and Joe Perin for planting. Also, thanks to Boyd McIntyre acting as event secretary. Very special thanks to Wayne Brennen for chairing the event.
Hunt tests are a great way to spend a day with your dog in a non-competitive environment and is a way that ESSA can offer an activity for those who do not field trial.
Qualifying scores on Saturday, May 11:
Fresh Start Tyner ("Tyner")
Rodney Zornes
Hillcrest Joreck Maera ("Maera")
Norma Schaffer
Gardian’s Will-O-Whisp ("Willow")
Tracy Hughes
Abitt Ambitious ("Abby")
Richard Murphy
Spurvalley Vesper’s Foxey ("Foxey")
Nancy Holland
CH Alynn’s Ready or Not TD CD WS RN ("Seeker")
Karen Spalding/Marilyn Winchester
Qualifying scores on Sunday, May 12:
Hillcrest Joreck Maera ("Maera")
Norma Schaffer
Gardian’s Will-O-Whisp ("Willow")
Tracy Hughes
Fresh Start Tyner ("Tyner")
Rodney Zornes
Spurvalley Vesper’s Foxey ("Foxey")
Nancy Holland
Abitt Ambitious ("Abby")
Richard Murphy
AFTCH Absolute’s Blade Runner Sage WS JH ("Sage")
Tim Bashforth
Thanks to everyone who came out.