Eastern Slopes Spaniel Association
Dedicated to Field Bred Spaniels
Some Hard Lessons

Allergic Reactions
There are a variety of allergens that may impact your dog. Apparently, Honey Bee stings and raw onion for Suni. . And a management tool FYI.

How you look after you spend $5000 to recover an ingested rock.
Surgery - Foreign Object Ingestion (Wynn)

Water Hazards
A near tragedy when I took my puppy (Suni - Brickburn's Birddog Ilanga) for a walk and was unaware of the culverts due to the over topping of the road by flood water. She had disappeared into some long grass and then did not come out. Out of my sight, she had been swept into the upstream side of the culvert and luckily she was flushed out the downstream side, after her under road and underwater swim, fairly quickly.
Sadly, I know of several drastically worse outcomes from encounters with thin ice or other water hazards.

May not kill the dog, but it sure can hurt.
Those slow moving Porcupines provide some dogs with lessons.
Some never learn. I'm hopeful he (Duma- Brickburn's Birdog Eclipse) has learned his lesson.

Follow Through
The concept of focusing and swinging on the bird.
Sometimes you get a double
Note the Course Flag.