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Eastern Slopes Spaniel Association
Dedicated to Field Bred Spaniels
Fine Art
Some current and many historical selections. There are originals and prints available for the collector willing to find them.
C. Ed Anderson Art.
JOHN GRAY (1870-1904)
Unknown 19th Century
William Gunton, Springer Spaniel Dog by Water. Early 19th Century
A Springer Spaniel in a Landscape, 1801 Chalon, Henry Bernard (1770-1849)
Louis Lartigau
Andre Brouillet 1891
Spaniels putting up Duck George Armfield 1808 - 1893
Spaniel Flushing Mallard 1848, George Armfield 1808 - 1893
Pheasant Shooting Henry Thomas Alken 1825
Duck Shooting Henry Thomas Alken 1825
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